Teacher singing to students?

A video has gone viral on Tiktok after a teacher shared a trick she tried with her first-grade class one day when they were talking a little. As Valentina Korsakova spoke every syllable back to her student from behind the audience with a healthy dose of oomph, she was hilariously caught up in the film.

Teacher singing to students?

A video has gone viral on Tiktok after a teacher shared a trick she tried with her first-grade class one day when they were talking a little. As Valentina Korsakova spoke every syllable back to her student from behind the audience with a healthy dose of oomph, she was hilariously caught up in the film. I teach Pre-K and sing the song “Cuppy Cake” first thing in the morning; it sets the tone for the day. Sharing the video on its Instagram account, the school wrote: In case you needed proof that teachers were superheroes.

Booser, a 34-year-old teacher at Franklin Elementary School in Santa Barbara, California, wants to give students the tools for a successful life, which she believes starts with confidence. However, many noticed the humor in young children who sang a song on such mature topics as divorce. At the beginning of the video, you can hear voices in the background that seem to come from the teacher's students. A very supportive teacher thought she had figured out how to offer a discreet address from the back of the room.

Song “Make your selection, your selection, your selection, make your selection on your laptop screen (parody of the opening menu of “Finding Nemo”). An anxious test-taker herself as a child, Booser credited her teachers for helping her overcome that anxiety. But let's also send a little love to Valentina and all the music teachers, who do their best to support their students. I have been organizing a course for the past few years, TEACH WITHOUT TEACHING, which has become the heart of my TEACHER TRACK program.

When I have a son who comes very upset or sad, I sing the song “I love you” and you can feel the tension leaving his body. Single mom and music teacher Risha Allen posted a video of herself performing an original song for her students before they left for winter break, and the song's lyrics and the way her students echo them are heartbreaking and moving at the same time.

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